Fire Safety Essentials

Fire Safety Essentials
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£21.60 per seat

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Course Overview

Fire Safety E-Learning is a 35 minute online course designed to deliver information about this key topic quickly and effectively. This course has been Approved by RoSPA.

Courses are regularly updated so that the look and content are as fresh and stylish as possible. EssentialSkillz range of class-leading E-learning solutions include rich animations (no Flash is used, so M-Learning is an option as courses are compatible with iPad's), crisp clean graphics and engaging content.

Course Objectives

In this training course employees will learn:

  • Causes of fires
  • Fire prevention
  • Evacuation procedure
  • How to use an extinguisher
  • Correct procedure to follow if a fire is discovered

Benefits to your organisation

  • Immediately communicate fire safety policy to employees
  • Mitigate potential liability in case of a fire related accident
  • Clear audit trail - evidence completion and understanding
  • Fire Safety E-Learning is fully editable using our integrated Authoring tool

Target Audience

All employees plus contractors and visitors.