Accredited Menopause First-Aider (MFA) Training Tutor Led by Caroline Day

Accredited Menopause First-Aider (MFA) Training Tutor Led by Caroline Day
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Pricing by Enquiry

Every single one of your female colleagues will go through menopause. 63% of women say their menopause symptoms have negatively impacted their work. 

Menopause First aider Training course gives your workplace a point of contact to gain information and advice regarding menopause. Participants of the course will receive a certificate on completion of training and will be qualified to act as a Menopause First Aider in the workplace. The purpose of the training is to make work environments menopause friendly and provide support and information to others on Menopause.

Caroline Day presents this interactive training course which is informative and teaches those participating everything they need to know to understand menopause, and the skills to support and advise others on menopause.

Delegates get workbook, certificate of completion.  

Accreditation is achieved once 3 documented case studies of menopause support sessions have been successfully completed.

Ongoing support is through invitation to the Private Face Book Group.  All MFAs are invited to the monthly live Q&A which includes an education slot

Participants will learn -

     Roles and responsibilities of an MFA

     What menopause is and what it is not

     Understanding how menopause can be a problem

     How to respond to a request for help

     Strategies to help women manage menopause better


  • Menopause First Aiders training