Law, Ethics & Safeguarding Level 2 & Level 3 Tutor Led by Nicola Simpson of - Montgomery - Simpson training

Pricing by Enquiry
The level 2 Law, Ethics and Safeguarding session is designed for health and social care staff with responsibility for providing care and support to individuals with a learning disability, but who have support from Managers with complex decision-making.
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to recognise the importance of raising concerns of abuse and neglect. It will raise your confidence to speak out and address concerns around safeguarding for people with a learning disability.
The intended learning outcomes for the course are that you will be able to:
- Define how duty of care contributes to safe practice in learning disability care and support
- Explain key legislation relevant to mental capacity, equality and safeguarding adults at risk
- Describe the factors which may indicate neglect, abuse or exploitation is happening
- Explain what to do if neglect, abuse, unsafe practices or exploitation is suspected, including how to raise concerns within local safeguarding and whistleblowing procedures
- Discuss ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse for people with a learning disability
Instructor led - Nicola Simpson
The Level 3 session is designed for social care managers who work autonomously, either providing care in complex situations or leading services for adults with a learning disability or autistic adults. The training assumes some prior understanding of the legislation and policies which underpin safeguarding and protection for adults at risk.
This session provides you with the knowledge and skills to effectively lead services which protect people with a learning disability from harm and abuse. It will enable you with partner agencies to implement and review safeguarding strategies to protect people from harm and abuse.
The intended learning outcomes for the course are that you will be able to:
- Describe the personalised approach to safeguarding to achieve meaningful improvement to a person’s circumstances
- Discuss the role of different agencies involved in investigating allegations of harm and abuse
- Explain the importance of sharing information with relevant agencies and potential barriers to information sharing
- Assess the benefits of integrated working in protecting people with a learning disability from harm and abuse
- Evaluate the systems, processes and practice that safeguards individuals at risk of harm and abuse
Group session Minimum participants 8 maximum 20
- level 2
- Level 3
- New Lesson