Statutory Duty of Candour (England)

Statutory Duty of Candour (England)
 4.7 (54)
£14.00 per seat

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Duty of candour legislation in England ensures that healthcare providers are open and transparent with healthcare users. It establishes the procedures which providers must follow if things go wrong, including informing the relevant people about what has happened, providi9ng truthful information, providing reasonable support and giving an apology.

This module covers the following:
- What is the Duty of Candour
- CQC Regulation 20: Duty of Candour
- Professional Guidance for Health & Social Care Workers
- The Organisational Duty of Candour


  • What is the duty of candour
  • CQC Regulation 20 Duty of Candour
  • Professional guidance for Health and Social care workers
  • The Organisational Duty of Candour